MEDIA LINE ROAD is the name of our band of friends.

The thought behind the name:  After the Fireplug Five Minus One, Mad River, The Decoys, and who knows what after that, we stopped thinking so much about "who'd we be" and became aware of "who we are." Unfettered dreaming about tomorrow leaves many a lost 'today.'

While we started down this long stretch of road called Media Line as wanna-be rock 'n rollers caught up in the garage band wave, we found ourselves as the hard-scrabbling day-jobbing, (and later) family-feeding hoi pol·loi. No more, no less. Except for the music and the wow-woe of our lives.

Our path intersected with all the places we remember. The people who shaped us.  The strangers passing by. The oncoming car riders. Our friends. Family. The muses and amuses. The loves and love-nots.  The starts; the ends. The intimidating and intimidated. The bewildered and bedevilled. The begotten. The forgotten. The lost. The found.

From all those recollections flowed a stream of music.  First just note, another and another. Soon a torrent.  Roaring, as we sped down new roads.  Another white dash, another white dash, another white dash (thank you, Butterfly Boucher), heading for who knows where or for how long.  The music plays on because we won't forget Media Line, the road where our trip began.

Media Line Road, the name of our band of friends.

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